15 Surprising Harry Potter Movie Facts You Probably Never Knew

The Harry Potter film series is nothing short of magic. From bringing to life some of the most beloved books by J.K. Rowling to creating some of the most unforgettable moments in cinematic history, these movies continue to charm people of all ages across the globe. But behind the scenes, that wizarding world had secrets galore. Here are 15 fascinating facts about the Harry Potter movies that even the most avid Potterhead may not know!
1. What the Actors are Really Feeling When the Great Hall Feasts
That magnificent feast in the Great Hall did have real food on it, but after several hours with studio lights beating down hot on them, these meals were absolutely unappealing. Pretty fast the cast learned although it was magic, eating on set was never fun.
2. Alan Rickman Knew Snape's Fate Before Anyone Else
J.K. Rowling personally told Alan Rickman, who played Professor Snape, the secret behind his character's true motivations before the final books were even released. This gave Rickman an edge in portraying Snape's mysterious nature, even when his co-stars had no clue why he was acting a certain way!
3. A Real-Life Crush Between Hermione and Draco?
Hermione Emma Watson confessed that she had a massive crush on Tom Felton, Draco Malfoy, through the first movies. No things ever occurred in their romance between them, while their friendship is ongoing even at present times.
4. Rupert Grint's Awkward Kissing Scene
It was freakingly weird for Rupert Grint to have to kiss Emma Watson in Deathly Hallows: Part 2. Hell, he'd even gone ahead to say it felt as though he kissed his sister. It wasn't that easy filming as they burst out laughing a couple of times.
5. The Handwriting of the Trio in the Films Were Theirs
The handwriting notes and homework in the movies were all actually written by Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint to make everything feel more authentic. Of course, Hermione's writing was the neatest!
6. The Weasley Twins Pranked the Set
James and Oliver Phelps, who played Fred and George Weasley, were just as mischievous off-camera. They would continuously switch roles and often confuse the crew, sometimes even their co-stars!
7. The Ministry of Magic's Pricey Floor
The magnificent atrium floor at the Ministry of Magic was indeed made of hand-laid marble. It had been one of the most expensive sets to have ever been made for the series. Talk about being detailed!
8. The Hogwarts Express Was Almost Stuck Forever
The actual train that played the role of the Hogwarts Express in the films had been kept somewhere in Scotland and once got stuck on the way because of snow. Fortunately, they could get it out for filming in time!
9. Voldemort's Nose Was Not CGI
Ralph Fiennes, who played Voldemort, actually wore prosthetics for his whole face except for his nose. His nostrils were digitally removed in post-production to create that unsettling snake-like appearance.
10. Dumbledore's Line That Was Improvised
Prisoner of Azkaban, for example, includes the famous line by Dumbledore, "Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light." Of course, it wasn't actually in the books, but rather was written just for the film, and has since become one of the franchise's most iconic quotes.
11. Daniel Radcliffe Went Through Over 80 Wands
Radcliffe was known to absent-mindedly twirl his wand between takes, so much so that he broke over 80 wands throughout filming. Imagine the number of Reparo spells needed!
12. The Books in Dumbledore's Office Weren't Books at All
The shelves in Dumbledore's office were lined with thousands of books, but they were actually old phone directories disguised with leather bindings. What a trick for a magical setting!
13. The Actors Weren't Allowed to Play Quidditch on Set
While Quidditch scenes looked thrilling on screen, the actors weren't allowed to mess around on the broomstick rigs between takes due to safety concerns. Apparently, flying isn't as easy as it looks in the movies!
14. The Deathly Hallows Symbol Was Hiding in Plain Sight
The Deathly Hallows symbol pops up in subtle places throughout the films, even before its importance is revealed. A prime example is in The Goblet of Fire, where Dumbledore's office features a carving suspiciously similar to the symbol.
15. Harry's Scar Was Applied Over 2,000 Times
Makeup artists applied Harry's lightning bolt scar nearly 2,000 times during the eight films. If that's not enough, Daniel Radcliffe went through 160 pairs of glasses!
The Harry Potter movies have left behind a legacy replete with magical performances, attention to minute detail, and a few well-placed secrets. Whether you are a die-hard Potterhead or just a casual fan, these behind-the-scenes facts add that much more magic to the experience.