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Game of Thrones Quiz

Questions: 10 Difficulty: Mixed

You can only choose once. Choose wisely.

1. What is the true identity of Jon Snow’s mother? (Game of Thrones, Books, TV)

Elia Martell
Catelyn Stark
Ellaria Sand
Lyanna Stark

2. Who is the father of Joffrey Baratheon? (Game of Thrones, Books, TV)

Tywin Lannister
Jaime Lannister
Eddard Stark
Robert Baratheon

3. Who wrote "A Song of Ice and Fire"? (Game of Thrones, Books)

George R.R. Martin
J.K. Rowling
J.R.R. Tolkien
Terry Pratchett

4. What is the name of the ancestral Valyrian steel sword of House Mormont? (Game of Thrones, Books, TV)


5. What house has the sigil of a golden lion? (Game of Thrones, Books, TV)

House Stark
House Tully
House Tyrell
House Lannister

6. What is the name of the giant ice spiders mentioned in Old Nan’s tales? (Game of Thrones, Books, TV)

Ice Spiders of the Others
Ice Widows
Ice Weavers
Arctic Stalkers

7. What is the name of Eddard Stark’s ancestral sword? (Game of Thrones, Books, TV)


8. What is the name of the castle that serves as the seat of House Greyjoy? (Game of Thrones, Books, TV)

Casterly Rock

9. Who is known as the Onion Knight? (Game of Thrones, Books, TV)

Petyr Baelish
Bran Stark
Davos Seaworth
Jaime Lannister

10. Who is the Three-Eyed Raven? (Game of Thrones, Books, TV)

Jon Snow
Benjen Stark
Brynden Rivers
Eddard Stark