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Historical Figures Quiz

Questions: 10 Difficulty: Mixed

You can only choose once. Choose wisely.

1. Who was known as the "Mad Monk" of Russia and influenced the Romanovs? (History, General Knowledge, Historical Figures)

Grigori Rasputin
Peter the Great
Vladimir Lenin
Ivan the Terrible

2. Who discovered gravity after observing a falling apple? (Science, General Knowledge, Historical Figures)

Albert Einstein
Galileo Galilei
Isaac Newton

3. Which Roman general crossed the Rubicon, leading to a civil war? (History, General Knowledge, Historical Figures)

Julius Caesar

4. Who founded the Ottoman Empire? (History, General Knowledge, Historical Figures)

Osman I
Mehmed II
Suleiman the Magnificent

5. Which famous military leader became the Emperor of France in 1804? (History, General Knowledge, Historical Figures)

Napoleon Bonaparte
Charles de Gaulle
Louis XIV

6. Which Greek philosopher taught Alexander the Great? (General Knowledge, Historical Figures, Philosophy)


7. Who is known as the "Father of India"? (History, General Knowledge, Historical Figures)

Mahatma Gandhi
Jawaharlal Nehru
B. R. Ambedkar
Subhas Chandra Bose

8. Who was the first emperor of China? (History, General Knowledge, Historical Figures)

Qin Shi Huang
Emperor Taizu
Emperor Wu
Kublai Khan

9. Who discovered the Americas before Columbus? (History, General Knowledge, Historical Figures)

Leif Erikson
Marco Polo
Hernán Cortés

10. Which famous queen ruled England for 63 years in the 19th century? (History, General Knowledge, Historical Figures)

Elizabeth I
Anne Boleyn
Queen Victoria
Mary I